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authenton#1 CTAP2.1 FIDO 2 Token

Protect your Passwords + Online-Accounts!

Every day we read about another large-scale hacker attack in the media.

Cybercriminals steal thousands of email addresses and passwords from large web platforms, forums or online shops, thereby gaining unauthorized access to the accounts of their victims.

So-called phishing attacks also repeatedly slip sensitive account data into the hands of criminals.

One of the safest ways to protect your own accounts from criminal activities is the so-called two-factor authentication process, as by using the authenton#1:

This means that the secure access to each of your Online-Accounts is only possible with a
Hardware based Root of Trusted, second, physical proof of Identity!

authenton#1 CTAP2.1  =  Certified Security - Made in Germany...!

Strongest Phishing Resistance - Made in Germany
The Authenton#1 guarantees the highest anti-phishing security among all MFA solutions!
Highly Trusted Security + Quality
The Authenton#1 was designed and created according to EU IT security guidelines and German quality standards!
Certified + Compliant
The Authenton complies with all relevant ISO standards as well as the requirements of the European PSD2 banking and data protection directives.
The production of Authenton#1 is carried out under the strictest environmental and safety requirements!
FIDO Certified: Consumer + Enterprise
The Authenton#1 is FIDO2 and U2F certified, optimized for both consumer and professional use in businesses and government agencies!
Optimized for all popular browsers and operating systems
The Authenton#1 is compatible with all common web browsers and operating systems: for PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones!
Perfect for all FIDO-certified services
The Authenton#1 provides phishing-resistant authentication in all FIDO-compatible services.
Enhancements CTAP2.1
Significant enhancements of CTAP2.1 over CTAP2!
Optimized Size and handling
The Authenton#1 has been designed to require minimal space when used with USB, while guaranteeing perfect NFC usage!
Multi - Protocol
In addition to FIDO CTAP2.1, FIDO2, and U2F protocols, the Authenton#1 also offers OTP, HOTP, and the Open PGP protocol for encrypted email communication!
Additional security-related applications are available upon request (only with authenton#1 PLUS)
The Authenton#1 can be expanded with additional applications such as physical access, cashless payment, and digital time tracking. Customized applications are available in the authenton#1 PLUS version!
Military certified!
The Authenton#1 has been tested and certified according to MIL-STD-810-H for its use in extreme situations and harsh envíronment!
Water Resistant
The Authenton#1 has been tested and certified for water resistance according to MIL-STD-810-H. The Authenton#1 remains fully functional in water up to a depth of 1 meter!
(NFC use is recommended!!)
The Authenton#1 remains fully functional at temperatures up to +85°C!
The Authenton#1 remains fully functional at temperatures down to -25°C!
Shock Resistant
The Authenton#1 has been tested and certified for shock resistance according to MIL-STD-810-H. The Authenton#1 remains fully functional even after multiple (>20) drop tests from a height of 1.20 meters onto a stone floor!
The Authenton#1 is extremely pressure-resistant!

authenton#1 - Passwordless Security -
Made in Germany!

...is the Anti-Phishing token offering an Easy-Touch, User-Friendly, and High Secure / Strong Multi-Factor Authentication.

...allows individuals, businesses, government agencies and contractors to replace Username + Passwords with a secure, fast, scalable, cost-effective login solution.

...is the Security Key reducing the need to remember and type passwords!

...is the USB & NFC security key which works with all everyday devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. It allows seamless “roaming” between all your devices!

...a single Investment in a Token for an approved lifetime of >10 years!
  = Return on Investment within short time!   
No hidden costs!  No yearly licenses!

...One Token works across all devices (PC, Tablet, Smartphone, Laptop) and all FIDO compliant services: Gmail, Facebook, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Outlook, LastPass, Dashlane, 1Password, AWS, Azure and hundreds more…

FIDO CTAP 2.1 Authenticator

Security Regulations

The European ENISA as well as Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) recommend a Multiple-Factor Authentication mechanism, based on a security certified (Common Criteria 5+ Certified) Hardware based Root of Trust (known as Secure Element as being used in biometric Passpirts, KreditCards and national eID) in its IT-Basic Protection Compendium (Grundschutz Kompendium).
The High Security concept of the authenton #1 follows the IT-Security Made in EU requirements with its FIDO standardized CTAP2.1 based Multi-Factor-Authentication Security Key.

The authenton#1 is a result of our parent companies' 25+ years experience and strenghts in international Government-, Payment-, and Mobile solution projects for high secure Identification and Authentication.

The authenton#1 follows the international strict standards and recommendation, such as required by ENISA (EU), BSI (Germany) and CISA from U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The authenton#1 partly exceeds those significant security requirements for High Secure Online Identification & Authentication.
Hergestellt in Deutschland
FIDO einfache sichere Authentisierung
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